It’s my blog I can cry if I want to

Hi, I’m Blair. I live in Arizona and I have a pretty awesome life. This blog is a  random compilation of fashion, recipes, motivation, funny stories about my kids, and the list goes on and on. Go ahead, have a look around. Thanks for following!

102 thoughts on “It’s my blog I can cry if I want to

  1. I don’t know if you’ve hit that 25 milestone yet or now BUT it is understandable that you were excited! I hit it in April of this year and it felt good – like suddenly everything I’m doing is acceptable because I’m over that hump. I’m sure in 3 years I’ll be dreading birthdays again but whatev’s, it is what it is and 25 is fun :) Thanks for following my blog. Continue cursing like a sailor, I don’t have the balls to type the words I say in my head so good on you!

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for the follow lol from your description we sound very alike! I’m also starting off training and being healthy I’ve a goal of weight to lose and I signed up to cycle across Cuba in oct, right now I I’m totally unfit so that’s my motivation! I didn’t have a kid but I did open a tattoo studio that took up everything and let myself go a lot grabbing pizzas every night when too busy all day hopefully we can both stick to it!!! :)

  2. Just call me K says:

    You sound like a great person! You moved to Hawaii on your own after sacking everything off!! I’m you’re fan on the sole basis of that alone :-) Thanks for following my blog…I’m gonna follow yours too now! :-)

  3. I feel like your my twin from another mother!! Im 25, a mother, wife and all the above. The purpose of my blog was to find myself, build confidence, and love myself again and have total strangers take the journey with me. Thanks for the follow. I love your blog and I love how you explained the purpose of your blog(lol). Lets take the journey together!

  4. A girl on a mission, just like myself. :) Thank you for following my blog. I’m looking forward to reading about your journey. Keep at it! Go, girl!!! Go! Go! Go! \m/

  5. TC Newell says:

    I think the Universe slaps all of us in the face at one time or another. Or at least it seems that way! You have the courage to begin your journey. Keep going. We all have a way of figuring things out.

  6. Thank you for following my blog, I had to check yours out and you make me smile ;) I think thats wonderful the journey you are on…I just started back to running this year and a friend and I meet at 5 and call it making time for Jesus and the ‘Jym’ I’m looking to eat better and I am not a size homemaker so I shall come take your recipes! Thanks for sharing them :)

  7. Hi! Thank you for following my blog! It always seems to surprise me that people other then my family somehow seem to stumble upon my blog…and some even end up “liking” it. Your blog is great, keep up the good work. I look forward to following you as well!

  8. Hi! Thanks for following my blog. It always surprises me that people other then my family stumble upon my blog, and better yet…some actually “like” it. I loved your blog–keep up the good work, I look forward to following you as well.

  9. Hi Blair! Thanks for following my blog!
    I agree with the folks above who say you look great. You do! Props anyway for taking charge and making a change you want to make. Also, you little girl is precious! (She looks like the little girl from the cartoon version of The Grinch!)

  10. I think you look great. It took me 3 years to shift all my baby weight. I took it at a manageable pace that I can maintain. You are so young and time is on your side. Never give up and keep moving.

  11. Hi BL,

    Thanks for following my blog. It’s great that you have had this taking charge of your life turning point at your age.

    Any kind of food craving is usually either a vitamin or mineral deficiency, or psychological, or both. The healthier you eat, the healthier you will want to eat. Also if you deal with your issues, the craving should be reduced. Maybe try cutting the sugar down slowly so it’s not too much of a shock. Try replacing with healthy rewards (food or otherwise), even if it feels silly like printing yourself a certificate: “Congratulations on going one week without a doughnut” or whatever. Good luck with it.

  12. Dot.Lisa says:

    Thank you for the follow!! Also, I loved this “I wish blogging could be my full time job – but I have no clue how people make money doing it.”. Me too and if you find out how, let me know!

  13. Love your story and your blog. You’re doing great and I’m glad you didn’t wait to find out that you had to change your way of thinking to change your life. Keep following me and I’ll keep following you. We’ll keep each other motivated!

  14. Words We Women Write says:

    Put on the bikini…life is short…Give up sweets? I don’t think so. Tie them in as a reward for the miles you do, have someone hide them and ‘pay’ you when you meet your daily goal. It works :) Good luck with the race and life, Toni

    • Nobody needs to see THIS in a bikni just yet, and I could never 100% give up sweets! I give in every once and a while, and I try to make it worth it :)

  15. Rossana says:

    Thank you for following my blog. Sugar is my biggest downfall. I’ve always loved sweets but it has felt like an addiction ever since I had my daughter 15 years ago. I don’t know if there is a relationship, but it is definitely out of hand. If I can conquer my sugar addiction it will make my weight loss journey much easier. I’ll look to your blog for inspiration and motivation.

  16. Angie Bullock says:

    Hi Blair! Thanks for checking out my blog – I’m anxious to follow your journey to fitness as well.

    I spent 11 years in Phoenix (lived in Ahwatukee for a year, Chandler for another year and then in Goodyear for the remaining 9 years), but am now in Austin, TX.

    Good luck!! :-)

  17. Thank you for following my blog, I will be following yours as well! good luck in your running and your Tri and congrats on your first 5K! First of many it already looks like. You have a beautiful family and best wishes to you and them!

  18. Great blog, and thank you for following mine. Good for you going for a sprint tri – I’ve done a few and they’re quite addictive. I’m having a go at the marathon in April so tri training is taking a back seat for a few months but can’t wait to get back into it! I’ve got a toddler too and it is difficult fitting in the training with child care, work and home life in general but it can be done – I’ve got used to early mornings and late nights! Looking forward to hearing about your journey…. :-)

  19. Hey B.L.!

    What an adorable family you have! You now have a cheerleader in Texas! I wish you success in your fitness journey and will be following your posts, eager for updates! I actually lived in Phoenix for about 6 years and miss it so much. I’m on a fitness journey too and I know how complicated/exhausting/energizing/rewarding it is (lol). Looking forward to hearing more from you soon!


  20. hi B.L! i have been meaning to stop by and say hello and i’m sorry i didn’t sooner! thank you for following my blog. i am enjoying yours and am looking forward to checking it out more. and i’m excited to find out you are a fellow phoenician!! i have had a workout/weight journey of my own and have been trying to get back into my running and workout routine since i was sidelined last year (long story for another time) anyway, right now it’s mostly fits and starts, so i’m looking forward to reading and being inspired by your posts and hopefully joining you in your efforts. so nice to “meet” you and i wish you all the best!

  21. HI Blair, Thanks for following my blog. Hopefully it will have lots of hints and tips for you.

    I thought I’d tell you a little bit about my story… I too started training for a triathlon back in June 2008. I was about 14lbs overweight, and it was then that I started my journey, a bit like the one you seem to be going on.

    Now, almost 4 years later I’ve run plenty of 5ks, 10ks, half marathons (I even ran Chicago half marathon when I was on vacation there)…. 3 marathons, a 31 mile and 33 mile run! I’m currently training to run 53 miles in a trail run in Scotland where I’m from.

    It just shows that you can be whoever you want to be, and do what ever you want to do. YOu just need to decide to do it and put in the hard work x

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Lorn x x

  22. Margaret Mason Tate says:

    Girl! The sock bun is where it’s at–my last haircut gave me layers that made the sock bun more difficult and I curse the stylist’s name every time I’m trying to do it now, I love that style so much. I am really looking forward to hearing about your progress! Keep up the hard work.

  23. Okay, let’s do this thing together, girl. I’m doing the sprint in April. No excuses. We’ve got to be here for a long time for our families, and that means we’ve got to get healthy! ;-)

        • Yup, I’ve signed on for an April Sprint, and hope to do another sprint in September. I got really out of shape these past few years as I helped mom negotiate through the last 3 years of my Dad’s descent into Alzheimer’s (–my blog about that). Anyway, I have done one before. But I’m older now and it’s not as easy to come back when you hit menopause! :-P Stupid aging. I’ll be following you from Nebraska, cheering you on!

          • Thank you! I’m so sorry to hear about your father, I’m sure that was a very difficult adjustment. I’ll be sure to send lots of cheers for you in April, and keep your family in my prayers!

  24. Hey there…you just followed my blog–and thank you very much for doing so! It’s exciting to have others join in this journey with me–and liked a post–but I realized after posting it that I put it on the wrong blog! The blog related to motivation and training and things is actually:

    Just wanted to let you know, so that you wouldn’t be disappointed or confused when you read the next post on my blog:

    Sorry about that!

  25. Hello fellow Phoenician! What schools did you go to? I went to catholic schools too – SFX and SM. I like your blog! And why is living in a high-rise bad? My husband and I go downtown sometimes or out to Scottsdale and see those awesome condos way up high and we always wonder jealously, who lives in those?

    • Hey Annie! I went to Most Holy Trinity – and SM as well!!!! What class did you graduate in??? Thanks for the kind words, by the way. About high rise living, I wouldn’t be as bitter if I hadn’t moved in prior to finding out I was pregnant, and signing a longer than usual lease. I rent a 1 bedroom, and now our daughter is 18 months, and I feel like if I bring one more item – of any size – I’ll be a good candidate for “Hoarders”. I’m kidding – it’s nowhere near that bad. But you get the idea. The other negative to the whole high rise thing, is shopping. Grocery is the worst. You have a million bags, your hands are full, you park in the garage below the building. Then you need your FOB get in the door, and to FOB yourself to your floor in the elevator. Actually, you have to go up 2 elevators. All the while, 6 bags of groceries are dangling from a nearly broken pinky finger while you arrange your keys in the other fingers. Ugh. And last but not least…Forgetting something in your car. You can’t just open the front door or walk into your garage/carport. Nope! It’s out your door, down the hallway, wait for the elevator, walk through lobby – to garage elevator, go down garage elevator, then to your car. Then back to garage elevator, through lobby, building elevator, down hallway, and home! Phew, I’m exhausted just thinking about it! Sorry bout the tangent :)

      On a happier note – live in a high rise for a year if your curious about it! The first year wasn’t bad at all, and it takes about a year to get sick of everything I just complained about :)

  26. leekirs1 says:

    Thank you for following my blog! Yes, you do have a beautiful family! The journey you are undertaking will be something that will always stay with you, change you, and will inspire others, as well, no matter how you may ‘place’ in the competition. I think you are already a winner! I hope you know that, as well! Best wishes! Sugar is a drug, btw. :)


  27. Hi! thank you for the like to my posts! You’ve got a lovely family! and a nice blog!
    and oh my God-triathlon?! now that’s what I call courage or…really crazy stuff :)) So..I’m thinking I have to follow this! and support you! of course! :)
    kisses and hugs!

  28. Glad you found me! Thanks for follow. I have become a blog addict because I love reading about other people’s journeys :) I wish you the best on meeting your goal. I have ZERO desire to do a triathlon but I understand the desire to meet that goal. I look forward to keeping up with you :)

  29. Hi B.L. Adorable pics of your kids and family! I wanted to wish you good luck training for the triathlon. That is quite a goal but I KNOW you will do great and be a different person from your strength an determination. I can’t wait to follow you during all this. It inspires me. ~ wanna race? Good luck! I always wanted to do a Tri too but the swimming would kill me, literally, I would sink.

  30. Thank you for your like on my blog “The Fit Revolution”! I have browsed around your site, and I love the sense of humor you bring to your posts. I look forward to learning more about your vibrant fun side!

  31. I LOVE the introduction! Had me chuckling a few times, lol! I was the same way as you as being sorta thin till I had my 2nd baby and the 3rd baby..well, she’s kept me on my toes since pregnancy and then all kinds of things happened! Who’s body is this?! Even my hair went from beautifully black and straight to lots of gray and very wavy? No one said this would happen!
    Thank you for liking my post on my luvinlifefitness blog! Keep up the good writing and hope to see you around!

  32. Hello – Great introduction to you and your motivations. How we get motivated to do anything in life fascinates me – we are often such irrational creatures.

    I really like your healthy attitude to health and your relationship with your body. Too many people are obsessive about the wrong things for the wrong reasons. How cool simply to want to feel healthy and good about yourself – what more do you need! Like the way you think :)

  33. Can’t wait to hear about your training and which triathlon you choose to sign up for! You’ve got some great goals for the year and I really enjoyed your personal “story”.

    • Thanks! I still have a long way to go. I don’t even know how to sign up for a triathlon or where they take place haha. I figure I better not get ahead of myself. I’ll post more fitness inspired pieces in the near future :) Thanks for following!

  34. I’m loving your blog! :) I’m a sugar junky too. I try to substitute candy with sugar free-real fruit gummies or just fruit. It’s hard though! When I get the craving for chocolate I’ll do 1 dark chocolate square with a handful of almonds. I’m trying to kick my late nigths nacking to the curb. I think that”s my biggest challenge right now. It’s so hard! Keep up the great work! You are doing awesome and you’re inspiring others to live healthier lives. <<<I'm one of those "others". <3

  35. Girl, if I can get do a triathlon, you can, too. I did my first one four years ago (it was an all female sprint triathlon) and I was hooked. Now I can’t get enough. Training this year for the half-iron distance–the people who knew me before still can’t really believe it…frankly, I still really don’t believe it!

  36. That is awesome that you have sets your sights on triathlon! You are on the right track to a whole new lifestyle, full of truly special people. Looking forward to hearing your story. (P.S. I’m a sugar junkie too.)

  37. Way to go! That is a hefty goal and it will feel so amazing when you reach it. Gee, wish I could swim and then I could look into some thing like that…perhaps I should do swimmin lessons this year! :)

    • If you’re ever in Phoenix I’ll give you swimming lessons!! I don’t think it’s possible to grow up here and NOT be on a swim team at least 10 summers of your life, minimum!

  38. Love the slideshow! Seriously- the comment about the food supply is right on- one of the reasons we have our own chickens, although there is more to it than just that. ;) A good place to start is with foods that are in as close to their natural state as possible- it may not be realistic for everyone to go organic (and you can still have GMOs in organic, surprisingly), but most everyone can cook from scratch; aka “real ingredients.” :lol:

    I think the key is not to deprive yourself completely and just keep on keepin’ at it. We’re going to have bad days; we’re going to have good days. At some point, hopefully, it will click for you and you’ll realize the “new” patterns are just habits now, and no big deal.

    Rock on!

  39. I’m so glad to have found your blog, and I look forward to reading your journey, as it unfolds. I love the way you weave your words together – you’re a great storyteller!

    • I’m super glad I found yours as well!! I love reading about other peoples journeys, and I think it is great if we can all hold eachother accountable. Keep up the good work!

  40. Hi, I want very badly to be healthy, especially so since I had my son. My motivation was to be alive and healthy for as long as I can, to watch him grow up, and not to be a burden to him (healthcare is expensive). It’s easier said. I have stopped snacking at night, but still need to get off my butt to get some exercise. Thank you for visiting my blog! Have a happy healthy holiday and new year!

    • It is SO much easier said than done! You can do it. My daughter is 18 months old, I work full time and often long, late hours. Sometimes not even getting to the gym until 11pm. It’s exhausting, but I know you can achieve your goals.

  41. Hello, well, I saw you in the Health & Healing forum, on CL. Your site is very fun..funny. If you don’t mind, my personal experience has been, it’s the food supply itself that gives you hunger and cravings. Hormones and antibiotics in particular in poultry and cattle also goes into us when we eat them. I went totally organic food 2 times, and experience “normalcy” I’ve never had before in my whole life..not having to crave and want to eat all the time. So, I thought I just wanted to share it, and maybe it will help you along too if you wish to read more. Thank you, and I wish you a Happy Healthy Holiday!

    • Wow thank you so much for that advice, and I’m glad you took the time to check out my blog. I agree with the going organic, one time several years ago I went “Raw” for about 3 weeks to detox, just ate a ton of fruits, veggies, and nuts, etc…and It was the best I’ve ever felt. I just can’t seem to work up to doing that now, mostly because it’s so hard to stick to it with a toddler around! My other greatest challenge is sweets. I live for candy. I’m trying reaaaaaal hard to figure out how to give it up without being sad haha! I have a real love affair with sugar. It’s so bad. But seriously, thank you for taking time to read my posts, and keep checking in with me and knowing people are reading this and can hold me accountable sure does help!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Hi! Thanks for following my blog! I just checked out yours & it’s great! I, too, LOVE sugar! And seriously won’t give it up! I’ve found really yummy alternative recipes on & someone told me she has a cooking show on tv now as well. Wishing you all the best!

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