
This post is obviously a bit late but here it goes anyways!

A few months ago I’d registered for the 26th annual thanksgiving day classic, held by the arizona road racers club. I figured a run would be a great way to start off turkey day. I’d be able to focus on everything I’m thankful for, such as my two legs that I will never take for granted, as well as earn a slice of pie at the same time! In fact the prizes for the winners happened to be just that…PIE.

I did horrible, in case you were wondering. I sort of hadn’t run at all really in the weeks leading up to this 5k. I was mostly relying on the bit of cardio I do during my personal training sessions to get me through, if you will. Out of like 1300 racers, I came in in like 1000th place haha. I shouldn’t laugh. Its not funny. Whatever. More motivation for next time.



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